
ConfigMgr 2012 : Deploy VMWare Tools During OSD

Addig an ‘intelligent’ VMWare Tools installation ensures that all of your VM’s get the necessary drivers and tools automatically during Operating System Deployment. Using WMI we can ensure that the tools are only deployed to VMWare machines.

1. Create a VMWare Tools Package

  1. Copy the contents of the VMWare Tools CD to a Source Folder
  2. Create a New Package with Source Files
  3. Within the Package create a Program with the following configuration:
    1. General
      1. Command Line: msiexec /i “VMware Tools64.msi” ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=”Hgfs,WYSE,GuestSDK,vmdesched” /qn /norestart
      2. After Running: Configuration Manager Restart Computer
    1. Requirements
      1. Select Required Platform: Windows 2003 64-bit or newer – note 64-bit ONLY
    1. Environment
      1. Program can run: Whether user is logged in or not
    1. Advanced
      1. Tick ‘Allow this program to be installed from the Install Package task sequence without being deployed’

2. Prepare the Task Sequence

  1. Create a new group with the following ‘Query WMI’ condition:
    1. WMI Namespace: root\cimv2
    2. WQL Query: select Model from Win32_ComputerSystem where Model = “VMware Virtual Platform”
  2. Add a Install Package Task underneath this group that deploys the VMWare Tools Program you have just created

ConfigMgr 2012 : SMS_SITE_BACKUP Error 5060

When using the SMS_SITE_BACKUP component to perform a Configuration Manager 2012 backup you may receive the following errors:

SMS SQL Backup service on the SQL Server \\<SQL Server Name> failed to backup the site database CM_<Site Code>;. The error reported by the service is Error: SQL Writer not found.. Backup operation is not completed.

Site Backup failed. The error reported by the service is Error: Sql Server could not prepare for the Backup.. Backup operation is not completed. Please see smsbkup.log for more information.

To resolve this simply configure the NTAUTHORITY\SYSTEM account to have SYSADMIN permissions on the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SQL Instance. This is required for the VSS writer to backup the SQL database.


ConfigMgr 2012 : Build and Capture Update Install Not Working

I’ll say nothing this time… Build and Capture using HTTPS SUP/DP/MP failing to install updates – no fatal error during the build and capture, just no updates either. For around 30 minutes (default timeout) the Task Sequence would be stuck on ‘Install Updates’ before moving on to the next stage of the sequence, or the Task Sequence may stop with a 0x87d0069b error.



ConfigMgr 2012 : Auto Apply Drivers Fails

Another day, another System Center 2012 Configuration Manager issue! This time I’m trying to get HTTPS Operating System Deployment working and I’ve encountered an issue where the Auto Apply Drivers task runs but doesn’t actually install the NIC driver that it needs to in order to complete the deployment. After the initial Windows installation, pressing F8 I can see that there are no NIC’s detected – thus the driver is missing. Note that when I’m using HTTP I do not have this problem.

After discussion with MS support the workaround for now is to use an Apply Driver Package task in the Build and capture/Deploy Image Task sequence as illustrated below, disabling or even removing the Auto Apply Drivers task:


In environments where you have diverse hardware this isn;t ideal, in a later article I’ll post some filters that you can use to apply only the required driver packages.



ConfigMgr 2012 : Software Update Point Sync Failing with HTTPS

If you are using HTTPS for WSUS in your System Center 2012 Configuration Manager environment chances are you’ll get issues sync’ing updates between your Software Update Point and the WSUS install. The wsyncmgr.log will show entries such as:

Sync failed: UssComunicationError: Web Exception: Unable to Connect to Remote Server


ConfigMgr 2012 : Change PXE / WinPE Company Name from “IT Organization”

Like many others you’ll more than likely want to change the Company Name presented to your users when a machine PXE boots for Operating System Deployment. By default the Company Name is ‘IT Organization’ but it is really easy to change this branding to a value of your choice, or even multiple values of your choice!



ConfigMgr 2012 : Create UK (en-GB) Regional Boot Images

You’ll have probably noticed that the WinPE images supplied with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager are US ‘regionalised’, this is a bit of a pain with complex passwords as the keyboard layout is not correct.

Follow the instructions below to create new UK-centric (en-GB) Boot Images with the correct time zone and keyboard layout.


ConfigMgr 2012 : Client Install Error 26001

Following on from my HTTPS / PKI issues with Secondary Site servers I now hit a-n-other Configuration Manager problem which is HTTPS related!

In my client deployment settings I am specifying an additional installation property – CCMHOSTNAME=<fqdn of external MP> when this is specified it allows clients to roam between IntRAnet and IntERnet management, therefore facilitating Internet Based Client Management.

The one caveat I seem to have found is that when you specify this switch the site servers where the client is connecting from must also be running HTTPS, otherwise you’ll get an error in your Build and Capture / Image Deployment tasks: ‘Error 26001. HTTPS communication protocol must be enabled when the client is Internet Enabled.’


So for now I have the following workaround, use the CCMHTTPSSTATE=1 installation property in the task sequence and the client will deply without issue.


ConfigMgr 2012 : Build and Capture Fails with 0x80070002

Ran into this after redeploying my System Center 2012 Configuration Manager lab this week, it’s easy to get caught out with this!

When the Build and Capture task gets started you may find the at the ‘Apply Operating System…’ step the task sequence fails almost immediately as below:



ConfigMgr 2012 : Central Administration Site

I’m currently working out a suitable design for a System Center 2012 Configuration Manager deployment. One of the first things that you need to decide is your site hierarchy, specifically should you implement a Central Administration Site (CAS) with Primary Site(s) model or simply a Primary Site with Secondray Site(s) model. You may be one of the ‘lucky’ few where your design is simple and will always remain so!

Having looked into this, and event tested both in a lab I thought I’d share my opinion and experiences, one thing I should make clear at this point in time – there is no single reason for considering whether or not to use a Central Administration Site, in fact sometimes there are political or business reasons to adopt this model regardless of any technical requirements.