
ConfigMgr 2012 : Auto Apply Drivers Fails

Another day, another System Center 2012 Configuration Manager issue! This time I’m trying to get HTTPS Operating System Deployment working and I’ve encountered an issue where the Auto Apply Drivers task runs but doesn’t actually install the NIC driver that it needs to in order to complete the deployment. After the initial Windows installation, pressing F8 I can see that there are no NIC’s detected – thus the driver is missing. Note that when I’m using HTTP I do not have this problem.

After discussion with MS support the workaround for now is to use an Apply Driver Package task in the Build and capture/Deploy Image Task sequence as illustrated below, disabling or even removing the Auto Apply Drivers task:


In environments where you have diverse hardware this isn;t ideal, in a later article I’ll post some filters that you can use to apply only the required driver packages.


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