
ConfigMgr 2012 : Build and Capture Update Install Not Working

I’ll say nothing this time… Build and Capture using HTTPS SUP/DP/MP failing to install updates – no fatal error during the build and capture, just no updates either. For around 30 minutes (default timeout) the Task Sequence would be stuck on ‘Install Updates’ before moving on to the next stage of the sequence, or the Task Sequence may stop with a 0x87d0069b error.


So there are a couple of reasons this may be happening:

1. Check your boundary group is configured to reference the correct site, browse to Administration > Hierarchy Configuration > Boundary Groups. Rt-click > Properties > References on the Boundary Group in question:


2. If you are using IBCM (Internet Based Client Management) and setting the CCMHOSTNAME parameter in the installation properties then REMOVE IT! You don’t need your build and capture machine to be Internet Based Client Management capable do you?! If this is enabled then you will likely get the errors outlined below:


Job error (0x87d0069b) receieved for assignment

Updates will not be made available

Additionally the smsts.log file will show:

Failed to run the action: Install Updates. Unknown error (Error: 87D0069B; Source Unknown)




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