Exchange Server 2003

Exchange 2003 : Manual Log File Cleanup

Exchange 2003 : Manual Log File Cleanup

1) Stop Affected Databases
2) Check Database State;
             Execute: eseutil /MH “<filename>.edb”
             Execute: eseutil /MH “<filename>.stm”

 Check Value of ‘State’ for both – should be Clean Shutdown or Consistent state

 Check Value of ‘ Log Required’ if 0-0 then no logs are required to start the DB,
 otherwise it will tell you the log range required to start the DB.

You can safely remove all the numbered log files that are less than the lowest entry in any Log Required field for any database in the storage group. Remember to move, not delete, the log files. Remember, the most recent logfile will be the prefix, i.e. E00.log as a result the last log in ‘Log Required’ may not exist.

Exchange Server 2003

Temporarily Increase Exchange 2000 / 2003 16gb DB Limit

Temporarily Increase Exchange 2000 / 2003 16gb Database Limit

This article covers the necessary stps to increase your Exchange 2000 / 2003 SP1 Database limit from 16GB to 17GB to allow you to perform database maintenence.

Temporarily Increase the Exchange 2000/2003 Mailbox Database Size Limit

Locate the following key in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\\Private-

Add a new REG_DWORD Value: ‘Temporary DB Size Limit Extension‘ set it to 1.This can only be used on servers running Exchange 2000 with the September 2003 Post-Service Pack 3 Roll up or Exchange Server 2003 SP1.Once the database is mounted remove unnecessary database content and then perform a defragmentation of the database in order to reclaim the database space.

In order to permanently resolve this issue on Exchange Server 2003 SP2:

First, verify that sufficient hard disk space is available for the larger database.

Always ensure you have 120% of the desired database size in free space for database maintenence.

For a mailbox store, click the following registry subkey:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\Server name\Private-Mailbox Store GUID

For a public folder store, click the following registry subkey:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\Server name\Public-Public Store GUID

Create a new DWORD Value; ‘Database Size Limit in Gb’ set the value as Decimal, and then an integer from 1 to 75.Note These integer values represent the maximum size of the database in gigabytes (GB). For example, a value of 75 represents a database that has a maximum size of 75 GB.

Restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. To do this, follow these steps:

net stop msexchangeis

net start msexchangeis

In the Event Viewer tool, click Application event ID 1216 to verify that the database size has been set successfully.

Exchange Server 2003

Automatic MAPI Profile Creation for Outlook XP / 2000/3/7

Automatic MAPI Profile Creation for Outlook 2000 / XP / 2003 & 2007

Like many Wintel Administrators I was presented with the requirement to automate MAPI profile creation on our Citrix Farm; this requirement was later extended to our Windows XP workstations running a multitude of different Outlook versions.

When auto-generating a MAPI profile in Outlook 2000 (Outlook v9) it is necessary to use the NewProf.exe tool along with a PRF file, newer versions of Outlook (Outlook v10+) are able to read a PRF file directly if configured to read the file on first run for a user.

The following script is Cross Platform (i.e Windows and Outlook) compatible; and must be used along with the PRF file further down:

Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2

Set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
Set fso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
windir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%windir%”)

Set objNetwork = CreateObject(“Wscript.Network”)
currentDomain = objNetwork.UserDomain
currentUser = objNetwork.UserName

‘——————————– Mk2
‘Create an instance of Outlook so that it can be queried for it’s version
Set objOLK = CreateObject(“Outlook.Application”)
OLKVer = left(objOLK.Version,inStr(1,objOLK.Version,”.”)-1)

‘If Outlook version is later than 2000 then make this registry change so that Outlook imports the PRF on first run
If OLKVer > 9 Then
‘Set Wsh = CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”)
If CheckRegKey(“HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\” & OLKVer & “.0\Outlook\Setup\First-Run”) = TRUE Then
RetVal = WshShell.RegDelete(“HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\” & OLKVer & “.0\Outlook\Setup\First-Run”)
End If
RetVal = WshShell.RegWrite(“HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\” & OLKVer & “.0\Outlook\Setup\ImportPRF”,_
WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%USERPROFILE%”) & “\My Documents\PST\Outlook.prf”)
‘Set Wsh = Nothing
End If

‘———————— Establish 16bit names for fso – required for newprof tools
arrPath = Split(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%USERPROFILE%”),”\”)
For Each str in arrPath
If Len(str) > 7 Then
str = Left(str,6) & “~1”
End If
If fullpath = “” Then
fullpath = str
fullpath = fullpath & “\” & str
End If
savePath = fullpath & “\MYDOCU~1\PST\”

If Not fso.FileExists(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%SYSTEMROOT%”) & “\Outlook.prf”) Then
End If

‘Read contents of Template prf file
Set fsoTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%SYSTEMROOT%”) & “\Outlook.prf”, ForReading)
strTmpPrf = fsoTextStream.ReadAll

‘Search though the array of lines and replace anything with %username% with logon name
Set vbsRegExp = New RegExp
vbsRegExp.Pattern = “%username%”
vbsRegExp.Global = True
vbsRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
strNewPrf1 = vbsRegExp.Replace(strTmpPrf,currentUser)
Set vbsRegExp = Nothing

‘Search though the array of lines and replace anything with %userprofile% with env var userprofile
Set vbsRegExp = New RegExp
vbsRegExp.Pattern = “%userprofile%”
vbsRegExp.Global = True
vbsRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
strNewPrf2 = vbsRegExp.Replace(strNewPrf1,savePath)
Set vbsRegExp = Nothing

If Not fso.FolderExists(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%USERPROFILE%”) & “\My Documents\PST\”) Then
fso.CreateFolder WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%USERPROFILE%”) & “\My Documents\PST\”
End If

If Not fso.FileExists(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%USERPROFILE%”) & “\My Documents\PST\Outlook.prf”) Then
‘fso.DeleteFile(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%USERPROFILE%”) & “\My Documents\PST\Outlook.prf”)

Set fsoTextStream = fso.CreateTextFile(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%USERPROFILE%”) & “\My Documents\PST\Outlook.prf”, ForWriting)
fsoTextStream.Write strNewPrf2

‘fso.CopyFile WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%USERPROFILE%”) & “\My Documents\PST\Outlook.prf” ,_
‘ WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%SYSTEMROOT%”) & “\Outlook.prf”, True

End If

‘Add code for Outlook 2K (9) only

If OLKVer =<9 AND fso.FileExists(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%SYSTEMROOT%”) & “\newprof.exe”) Then
cmd = WshShell.Run(“%comspec% /c (” & WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%SYSTEMROOT%”) & “\newprof.exe -p ” _
& savePath & “Outlook.prf -x)”,0,True)
End If

‘**** CheckRegKey(RegStr)
Function CheckRegKey(RegStr)
On Error Resume Next
Wsh.RegRead RegStr
If Err Then
CheckRegKey = False
CheckRegKey = True
End If
On Error Goto 0
End Function

Save the above code in to a new fie named ‘profgen.vbs.’ A group policy should then be created and this script assigned as a logon script for users.

The following code should be saved into a new file named ‘outlook.prf‘:

; Outlook PRF file for Exchange Server users
; ——————————————-
; Copyright (C), Microsoft Corporation, 1996.
; The following PRF file is included as an example of how to create a PRF file that will
; configure Outlook users with Exchange Server. Section 1, 2, and 3 may be modified.
; DO NOT MODIFY SECTION 4. It will most likely cause Exchange services to crash.
; Be very careful when editing to ensure property values match their property types.
; NOTE: The HomeServer setting for the Microsoft Exchange Server must be filled in
; before using this file.
; For information about how to disable Outlook Profile Setup and instead use the
; the Inbox Setup Wizard, see NONE.PRF in the Office Resource Kit.

; ************************************************************************
; Section 1 – Profile defaults.

; — Required. Indicates that this is a customized PRF file.

; ************************************************************************
; Section 2 – Services in profile.

[Service List]
Service1=Microsoft Outlook Client
Service2=Microsoft Exchange Server
Service3=Outlook Address Book
Service4=Archived Messages

; ************************************************************************
; Section 3 – Default values for each service.


; **** Customized Outlook Client properties ****

; Required.
; — The name of the Microsoft Exchange Server the user should
; connect to (ex: ALEX). You can specify any Microsoft Exchange Server
; in your site, and the correct Home Server will be assigned
; when the user first logs on.

; — Dummy property. Do not delete or modify.



; ************************************************************************
; Section 4 – Mapping for profile properties. DO NOT MODIFY.

; ************************************************************************
; Microsoft Outlook Client definitions

[Microsoft Outlook Client]

; — A boolean value indicating whether or not to empty the
; wastebasket on exit.

; — A boolean value indicating whether or not to select entire
; words when selecting.

; — Indicates what to do after moving or deleting a message.
; Possible values are shown below:
; 0 – Open Next Message
; 1 – Return to Viewer
; 2 – Open Previous Message

; — A boolean value indicating whether or not to close the
; original message after replying.

; — A boolean value indicating whether or not to generate
; a read receipt on sent mail.

; — A boolean value indicating whether or not to generate
; a delivery receipt on sent mail.

; — The default sensitivity to send mail with.
; Possible values are shown below:
; 0 – Normal
; 1 – Personal
; 2 – Private
; 3 – Confidential

; — The default priority to send mail with.
; Possible values are shown below:
; 0 – Low
; 1 – Normal
; 2 – High

; — A boolean value indicating whether to save a copy of
; sent messages in the sent items folder.

; **** Custom entries added by [email protected] ****

; — A boolean value indicating whether Outlook should close original
; message when replying or forwarding.

; — A boolean value indicating whether Outlook should mark comments
; in a reply message with the users name.

; — A boolean value indicating whether Outlook should allow a comma
; to be used as an address separator.

; — The default is to auto archive every 14 days.
; Possible values are shown below:
; 1 – 60

; — The path and file name for the default auto archive file.
; ex: c:\home\rickva\outlook\archive.pst

; ************************************************************************
; Microsoft Exchange Server service definitions.

[Microsoft Exchange Server]

; — The name of the user’s Exchange Server Mailbox

; — The name of the Microsoft Exchange Server the user should
; connect to. You can specify any Microsoft Exchange Server
; in your site, and the correct Home Server will be assigned
; when the user first logs on.

; — The path to the Offline Store File that contains
; local replicas of the user’s Mailbox and Favorites.
; If you do not specify a value, no Offline Store will
; be created. If you specify a path, an Offline Store
; will be created and the Inbox, Outbox, Deleted Items,
; and Sent Items folders will be replicated to it.

; — The path to the directory to store offline address
; book files in.

; — Flags that control behavior when connecting to the Exchange
; Server.
; The following values are possible:
; 4 Normal
; 6 Ask whether to connect or work offline at startup.
; 12 Allow clients to be authenticated via the Internet
; 14 Combination of 6 and 12.

; — A boolean value indicating whether NEWPROF should
; attempt to resolve the Exchange mailbox name at run time.
; If set to TRUE, NEWPROF will copy the name to the profile
; without resolving it.
; If FALSE, the name will be resolved. Invalid server or
; mailbox name will not be copied to the profile.

; ************************************************************************
; Microsoft Mail service definitions.

[Microsoft Mail]

; — The path to the users post office. Mapped network drives, UNC and NETWARE paths
; are acceptable. NETWARE paths of the type NWServer/share:dir\dir1 are converted to
; UNC paths of the type \\NWServer\share\dir\dir1.


; — The users mailbox name. eg. in a NET/PO/USER address,
; this is USER. The maximum mailbox name is 10 characters.


; — The users mailbox password. The maximum password is 8 characters.


; — A boolean value indicating whether the users password is
; to be remembered in the profile or not. This is useful because
; if the password is remembered the user can bypass the logon prompt
; if his server path, mailbox name and password are all supplied.


; — The connection type. This may be one of CFG_CONN_AUTO, CFG_CONN_LAN,
; 0x0 — LAN type connection. Used to connect to the post office using a
; UNC path or pre-existing mapped drive.
; 0x1 — Dial up connection using Dial-up Networking.
; 0x2 — Not connected.
; 0x3 — Automatically detect whether the connection type is LAN or REMOTE.
; This connection type is only available on Win95.


; — A boolean value indicating whether session logging
; is on or off.


; — The path to the session log file.


; — A boolean value which indicates whether mail in the outbox
; is sent.


; — A boolean value which indicates whether mail in the server
; mailbag is downloaded.


; — A bit array which allows the user to indicate which addresses
; for which the transport is to attempt delivery. This is useful
; in order to allow a user to specify that a transport only handle
; delivery for a subset of the addresses it can really process.
; When multiple transports are installed and the user wants a
; different transport to handle some specific address types they
; can use this bit array to specify that the MSMAIL transport
; only handle a specific set of addresses.
; Possible values as defined below include:
; 0x00000001 — Local Post Office and External Post Office address types
; 0x00000002 — PROFS address types
; 0x00000004 — SNADS address types
; 0x00000008 — MCI address types
; 0x00000010 — X.400 address types
; 0x00000040 — FAX address types
; 0x00000080 — MHS address types
; 0x00000100 — SMTP address types
; 0x00000800 — OfficeVision address types
; 0x00001000 — MacMail address types
; 0x000019df — All of the above address types


; — A boolean value which indicates whether a netbios notification
; is sent to a recipients transport when mail is delivered to
; their server inbox.


; — The polling interval in minutes when the transport
; checks for new mail. 1 <= polling interval <= 9999


; — A boolean value which, if TRUE, only displays the Microsoft Mail Global Address
; list for name selection. The Postoffice list, external post office lists, and gateway
; address lists are not shown.


; — A boolean value which indicates whether the user wants to enable
; headers while working on the LAN. Headers mode allows the user
; to download message headers and selectively choose which mail
; to download.


; — A boolean value which indicates whether the user wants to use
; name resolution based on a local copy of the server address book
; rather than the server address book itself.


; — A boolean value which indicates whether EXTERNAL.EXE, a server process, should be used
; to deliver submitted mail messages. This is sometimes useful when mail is running
; on a slow LAN connection.


; — A boolean value which indicates whether the user wants to enable
; headers while working over a slow speed link. Headers mode
; allows the user to download message headers and selectively
; choose which mail to download.


; — A boolean value which indicates whether the user wants to use
; name resolution based on a local copy of the server address book
; rather than the server address book itself.


; — A boolean value which indicates whether EXTERNAL.EXE, a server process, should be used
; to deliver submitted mail messages. This speeds up message delivery when mail is
; running on a Dial-up network connection.


; — A boolean value which indicates that a Dial-up Network connection should
; be established when the transport provider starts up.


; — A boolean value which indicates that a Dial-up Network connection should
; be automatically terminated when headers are finished downloading.


; — A boolean value which indicates that a Dial-up Network connection should
; be automatically terminated after mail has finished being sent
; received.


; — A boolean value which indicates that a Dial-up Network connection should
; be automatically terminated when the provider is exited.


; — The name of the Dial-up Network profile that the transport will use by
; default to attempt the connection.


; — Number of times to attempt dial for connection.
; 1 <= retry attempts <= 9999


; — Delay between retry attempts in seconds.
; 30 <= retry delay <= 9999


; ************************************************************************
; Personal Folders service definitions.

[Archived Messages]
ServiceName=MSPST MS

; — Path to personal folders.


; — A boolean value that determines if the personal folders password
; should be cached.


; — A value that designates the type of encryption that is used to
; compress the data in the PST:
; No Encryption 0x80000000
; Compressable Encryption 0x40000000
; Best Encryption 0x20000000


; — PST password.


; ************************************************************************
; Personal Address Book service definitions.

[Personal Address Book]
ServiceName=MSPST AB

; — Path to personal address book.


; — Determines if PAB entries are first, last, or last, first.
; first last 0
; last, first 1


; ************************************************************************
; Outlook Address Book service definitions.

[Outlook Address Book]
; — Dummy property. Do not modify.

Finally we have to ensure the availability of the required files for the profgen.vbs VBScript. This is completed by running a machine start-up script attached to a group policy. First, copy the NewProf.exe, outlook.prf into your domains NETLOGON share (i.e \\\NETLOGON). Then copy the code below into a new text file and save it as comp-startup.vbs. Assign this script as machine startup script for all machines you wish to automate MAPI profilecreation on.

Set objNetwork = CreateObject(“Wscript.Network”)
Set fso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)

Set oShell = CreateObject( “WScript.Shell” )
windir = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%windir%”)

target = windir & “\NEWPROF.EXE”
If Not (fso.FileExists(target)) Then
‘If it exists overwrite it.
fso.CopyFile “\\\netlogon\NEWPROF.EXE”, windir & “\” ,True
End If

‘target = windir & “\Prfpatch.exe”
‘If Not (fso.FileExists(target)) Then
‘If it exists overwrite it.
‘ fso.CopyFile “\\\netlogon\Prfpatch.exe”, windir & “\” ,True
‘End If

target = windir & “\outlook.prf”
If Not (fso.FileExists(target)) Then
‘If it exists overwrite it.
fso.CopyFile “\\\netlogon\outlook.prf”, windir & “\” ,True
End If