Windows Server 2003

DNS Scavenging : Existing Environment

DNS Scavenging : Existing Environment

Many peopple are wary of the impact of enabling DNS scavenging on an existing environment. Th following command/script will allow you to identify all of the records that will be deleted if you were to enable scavenging.

First execute the command: dnscmd SRV /enumrecords zone @ /continue > DNS_Records.txt

Save the text below into a file names DNSScavenge.vbs, then execute the command: cscript.exe /nologo DNSScavengeTest.vbs DNS_Records.txt >> DNS.csv


Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8
Const AGING_TOKEN = “[Aging:”

Const DDNS_NO_REFRESH = 7        ‘ The dynamic DNS no refresh period, where an update classified as a refresh will not be accepted for the record
Const DDNS_REFRESH = 7            ‘ The dynamic DNS refresh period, during which an update will be accepted for the record
Const GMT_OFFSET = +10            ‘ Offset in hours to adjust the resultant times based on the current GMT timezone

Set objFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)

If WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then
    strFileName = WScript.Arguments(0)
    wscript.echo “Specify a filename containing the output of dnscmd. eg DNSScavengeTest.vbs DNS_Records.txt”
End If

If Not objFSO.FileExists(strFileName) Then
    WScript.Echo “Error: ” & strFileName & ” file not found.”
End If

Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading)
strZoneRecords = objTextStream.ReadAll
WScript.Echo “name,timestamp,wouldBeScavengedIn”

For Each strLine in Split(strZoneRecords, vbCRLF)
    intStart = InStr(1, strLine, AGING_TOKEN, 1)
    If intStart 0 Then                                ‘ Does this line contain an aging value?
        intStart = intStart + Len(AGING_TOKEN)
        intEnd = InStr(intStart, strLine, “]”)
        If intEnd 0 Then intLength = intEnd – intStart
        strHost = Left(strLine, InStr(strLine, ” “)-1)                ‘ Yes, extract the host

        intAging = Mid(strLine, intStart, intLength)                ‘ Extract the aging value, expressed in the decimal number of hours since 01/01/1601
        dtmDate = DateAdd(“h”, intAging, “01/01/1601 00:00:00 AM”)        ‘ Convert to a date timestamp
        dtmDate = DateAdd(“h”, GMT_OFFSET, dtmDate)                ‘ Add the current GMT offset

        intDiff = DateDiff(“h”, dtmDate, Now)                    ‘ The difference between now and the timestampe
        intHourDiff = intDiff – ((DDNS_NO_REFRESH * 24) + (DDNS_REFRESH * 24))    ‘ Based on the dynamic DNS no-refresh and refresh periods combined
        If intHourDiff > 0 Then                            ‘ Is this a positive number, indicating the record will be scavenged
            intDay = CInt(intHourDiff / 24)                    ‘ Yes, convert to a number of days for output
            WScript.Echo strHost & “, ” & dtmDate & “, ” & intDay + DDNS_NO_REFRESH + DDNS_REFRESH    ‘This record would be scavenged
            WScript.Echo “*” & strHost & “, ” & dtmDate            ‘ This record won’t be scavenged
            intDay = 0
        End If
    End If

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