In automating a SharePoint 2013 SP1 deployment on Windows Server 2012 R2 I came across the following PowerShell script to facilitate offline deployment of all Shareoint 2013 SP1 pre-requisites:
The only issue with this script is that it is for Windows 2012 / SharePoint 2013 RTM only.
The modified copy below facilitates all Windows 2012 R2 / SharePoint 2013 SP1 pre-requisite downloads – including naming of the downloads as required by the pre-requisite installer.
{code lang:text showtitle:false lines:false hidden:false}#*************************************************************************************** # Written by Craig Lussier - # # Udated for Windows 2012 R2/SharePoint 2013 SP1 by Chris Bradford - # # This script downloads SharePoint 2013 Prerequisites # # -Only run this script on Windows Server 2012 (RTM, either Standard or Datacenter) # -Do not run this script on a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Server! # ---These are the Prerequisites for Windows Server 2012 # -Run this script as a local server Administrator # -Run PowerShell as Administrator # # Don't forget to: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned # If you have not done so already within you Windows Server 2012 server #**************************************************************************************** param([string] $SharePoint2013Path = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the directory path to where you wish to save the SharePoint 2013 Prerequisite files.")) # Import Required Modules Import-Module BitsTransfer # Specify download url's for SharePoint 2013 prerequisites $DownloadUrls = ( "", # Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Native Client "", # Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64) "", # Windows Server App Fabric "", # CU 1 for AppFabric 1.1 (KB2671763) "", # Cumulative Update Package 1 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server (KB2671763) "", #Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405) "", # Microsoft Identity Extensions "", # Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client "", # Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0 "" # Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6 (rename this download to WcfDataServices56.exe) ) function DownLoadPreRequisites() { Write-Host "" Write-Host "=====================================================================" Write-Host " Downloading SharePoint 2013 Prerequisites Please wait..." Write-Host "=====================================================================" $ReturnCode = 0 foreach ($DownLoadUrl in $DownloadUrls) { ## Get the file name based on the portion of the URL after the last slash If ($DownloadUrl -eq "") {$filename = "WcfDataServices56.exe"} Else {$FileName = $DownLoadUrl.Split('/')[-1]} Try { ## Check if destination file already exists If (!(Test-Path "$SharePoint2013Path\$FileName")){ ## Begin download Start-BitsTransfer -Source $DownLoadUrl -Destination $SharePoint2013Path\$fileName -DisplayName "Downloading `'$FileName`' to $SharePoint2013Path" -Priority High -Description "From $DownLoadUrl..." -ErrorVariable err If ($err) {Throw ""}} Else { Write-Host " - File $FileName already exists, skipping..." } } Catch { $ReturnCode = -1 Write-Warning " - An error occurred downloading `'$FileName`'" Write-Error $_ break } } Write-Host " - Done downloading Prerequisites required for SharePoint 2013" return $ReturnCode } function CheckProvidedDownloadPath() { $ReturnCode = 0 Try { # Check if destination path exists If (Test-Path $SharePoint2013Path) { # Remove trailing slash if it is present $script:SharePoint2013Path = $SharePoint2013Path.TrimEnd('\') $ReturnCode = 0 } Else { $ReturnCode = -1 Write-Host "" Write-Warning "Your specified download path does not exist. Please verify your download path then run this script again." Write-Host "" } } Catch { $ReturnCode = -1 Write-Warning "An error has occurred when checking your specified download path" Write-Error $_ break } return $ReturnCode } function DownloadPreReqs() { $rc = 0 $rc = CheckProvidedDownloadPath # Download Pre-Reqs if($rc -ne -1) { $rc = DownLoadPreRequisites } if($rc -ne -1) { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Script execution is now complete!" Write-Host "" } } DownloadPreReqs