Domain Migration

Windows 2008 : DCPromo Administrator Account Error

Windows 2008 : DCPromo Administrator Account Error

When trying to promote a Windows Server 2006 x84 R2 server to a domain controller of a new forest I obtained the following error which stopped the promotion of the system:

The local Administrator account becomes the domain Administrator account when you create a new domain. The new domain cannot be created because the local Administrator account password does not meet requirements.

Currently, a password is not required for the local Administrator account. We recommend that you use the net user command-line tool with the /passwordreg:yes option to require a password for this account before you create the new domain; otherwise, a password will not be required for the domain Administrator account.

To resolve this error, open a command-prompt as Administrator and execute the following command: net user Administrator /passwordreq:yes *

This will ensure that the Administrator account requires a password, and that a password is set. After running this I was able to proceed with the promotion of the server to a DOmain Controller.


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