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Broadcom 43xx Driver Installation HOWTO Under Fedora Core 5

Broadcom 43xx Driver Installation HOWTO Under Fedora Core 5

Having a BCM4306 Based Wireless Card until now has been the bane of my linux use, however I came accross this guide a couple of days ago and I\\”m now running 100% wireless with my Broadcom Card! 🙂


Card drivers which include firmware:
You can get the firmware here: wl_apsta.o


Firmware cutter utility:

bcm43xx-fwcutter i386

bcm43xx-fwcutter x86_64

Simply install the bcm43xx-fwcutter tool:

For i386: rpm -ivh bcm43xx-fwcutter-004-1.fc5.i386.rpm

For x86_64: rpm -ivh bcm43xx-fwcutter-004-1.fc5.x86_64.rpm

Then use the command:

/usr/bin/bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta.o

Then enable the gnome NetworkManager :

/sbin/chkconfig level 5 NetworkManager on

/sbin/service NetworkManager start

The first time network manager connects to your wifi AP it will ask fior a keyring password. I reccomend you set it the same as your logon password, you’ll see why in a future update.

This setup will work with WEP and WPA turned on.

NOTE: To change / reset your keyring password simply bring up a terminal and run the following:

cd .gnome2/keyrings/\r\nrm default.keyring

The next time your machine boots it will ask you to enter a new keyring password

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