Presentation Server

Citrix / Terminal Server Performance Registry Settings

Terminal Server / Citrix Performance Registry Settings

I have gathered a list of registry and operating system tweaks that improve Citrix performance. I use these tweaks on all Citrix servers deployed in order to ensure reliable performance when under heavy user load.


Registry Modifications

Firstly, we disable paging of the NT Executive – this keeps core system components in memory and out of the page file. If there is only one tweak you take away with you today, this should be it:



Next, I configure addition worker threads to increae available CPU threads to users:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Executive]


Now we increase the functionality of the lanmanserver service which controls file and print resource / access on the server:




Now we configure the lanmanworkstation service which is the file and print client:



Operating System Configuration


Firstly, change the server processing scheduling and memory usage bias towards programs:


Next change the performance bias on the network file and print sharing fr Microsoft networks to maximaise data throughput for network applications:



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