VBScript ; Enable Out-Of-Office (OOO)
The following script will allow you to enable Out Of Office on any users mailbox (provided you have permissions that it…)
Set objMAPISession = CreateObject(“MAPI.Session”)
‘strExchangeSvr = InputBox(“Please provide the name of your Exchange Server”)
strExchangeSvr = “mailserver-name”
strMailbox = InputBox(“Please enter the mailbox name to enable Out-Of-Office…”)
strMAPI = strExchangeSvr & vbLf & strMailbox
On error Resume Next
objMAPISession.Logon “”, “”, False, True, 0, False, strMAPI
If err <> 0 Then
Wscript.Echo “An Error occured: ” & err.description
Wscript.Sleep 7000
End If
strOOOMessage = InputBox(“Please enter Out-Of-Office message…”)
objMAPISession.OutOfOfficeText = strOOOMessage
objMAPISession.OutOfOffice = 1
strOOOMessage = objMAPISession.OutOfOfficeText
Set objMAPISession = Nothing
MsgBox “All done”