
vSphere : vMA Setup

vSphere : vMA Setup

Import OVF template available form the VM Market Place:

Once completed on first boot a wizard will run, you and set an IP address and vi-admin user account password.

Press Alt-F2 from the VM console then login under vi-admin and execute these commands:

sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/keyboard

Change us to uk and reboot (if applicable!).

Login again via SSH or the console.

sudo vi /etc/ntp.conf

Hash out the serv 0/1/2 lines and enter the lines for your internal NTP servers (domain controllers will work):

Start the NTP service:

sudo service ntpd start

Configure NTP to start at boot:

sudo chkconfig ntpd on

Join the vMA appliance to the domain, modify the domain name, NETBIOSNAME and username:

sudo domainjoin-cli join domain.local NETBIOSNAME\\adminname

Enable connections to each ESXi host from the vMA:

vifp addserver vm01.domain.local
vifp addserver vm02.
vifp addserver vm03.domain.local
vifp addserver vm04.domain.local

Confirm server connections:

vifp listservers

Enable remote logging to the vMA applicance, modify theVM host names as required:

vilogger enable –server vm01.domain.local –numrotation 20 –maxfilesize 10 –collectionperiod 10
vilogger enable –server vm02.
domain.local –numrotation 20 –maxfilesize 10 –collectionperiod 10
vilogger enable –server vm03.
domain.local –numrotation 20 –maxfilesize 10 –collectionperiod 10
vilogger enable –server vm04.
domain.local –numrotation 20 –maxfilesize 10 –collectionperiod 10

Logs are now collected and stored under /var/log/vmware/

Confirm logging setup:

vilogger list

You’ll probably need to resize the /var/log partition (via gParted) or add an additional drive, and modifiy the log location configurationin /etc/vmware/vMA/vMA.conf

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