Windows 2008

BO XI : Internet Explorer Issues

BO XI : Internet Explorer Issues

I came across an interesting issue with a BO XI deployment today, essentially users were unable to use Internet Explorer to connect to the Web Application; when trying to open the logon page they receieved an IE error stating that ‘Internet Explorer cannot display the page’. Further investigation showed that Firefox and other browsers worked.

The environment was BO XI running on Windows Serevr 2008 R2 (therefore IIS7/Tomcat)

This led me to look at Windows Authentication as IE would use NTLM whereas the other browsers would not.

After a dig around on the SAP support portal I cam across SAP 1292826 – Error: Internet Explorer cannot display the page. Essentially the solution was to modify the server.xml file located under \Program Files (x86)\Business Objects\Tomcat55\conf

  1. Search for ‘maxHttpHeaderSize‘ – this will likely be set to 8192.
  2. Change this to equal 32768 then restart the Apache Tomcat Service.

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