Came across this error recently when trying to push the agent using discovery wizard:
One or more computers you are trying to manage are already in the process of being managed
From SCOM OPS SQL Database use the following TSQL to resolve this issue:
{code lang:sql showtitle:false lines:false hidden:false}USE OperationsManager
SELECT AgentPendingActionId, AgentName
FROM AgentPendingAction
WHERE AgentName like ‘ServerName%’
–As long as the above returns something useful, then run
DECLARE @ActionId uniqueidentifier
SET @ActionId =
SELECT AgentPendingActionId
FROM AgentPendingAction
WHERE AgentName like ‘ServerName%’
EXEC p_AgentPendingActionDeleteByIdList @AgentPendingActionIdList = @ActionId{/code}