Download office using the following configuration.xml file – make sure you include ALL languages you will want to use across devices in your environment – don’t worry though as we’ll use this to stage more streamlined versions as required – the idea here is that you create one source to rule them all – i.e. a single source with all language packs pre-downloaded. More info on how to download here:
<Configuration> <Add OfficeClientEdition="32" Branch="Current"> <Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail"> <Language ID="en-us" /> <Language ID="fr-fr" /> <Language ID="de-de" /> <Language ID="es-es" /> <Language ID="pt-pt" /> <Language ID="pl-pl" /> <Language ID="ro-ro" /> <Language ID="ru-ru" /> <Language ID="tr-tr" /> </Product> </Add> <!-- <Updates Enabled="TRUE" Branch="Current" /> --> <!-- <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> --> <!-- <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" /> --> </Configuration>
Now create this dynamic PowerShell script – we’ll call this during OSD or package deployment specifying a argument for the secondary language you need. This script should be named “_Install.ps1” and should be in the root of the package you create, along with the contents of the downloaded Office C2R.
Param( [string]$language ) # Build dynamic XML file text - needed as without specifying the SourcePath Office install hangs $currentLocation = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path; If ($language) { $text = @" <Configuration> <Add SourcePath=`"$currentLocation`" OfficeClientEdition=`"32`" Branch=`"Current`"> <Product ID=`"O365ProPlusRetail`"> <Language ID=`"en-us`" /> <Language ID=`"$language`" /> </Product> </Add> <Updates Enabled=`"TRUE`" Branch=`"Current`" /> <Display Level=`"None`" AcceptEULA=`"TRUE`" /> </Configuration> "@ } Else { $text = @" <Configuration> <Add SourcePath=`"$currentLocation`" OfficeClientEdition=`"32`" Branch=`"Current`"> <Product ID=`"O365ProPlusRetail`"> <Language ID=`"en-us`" /> </Product> </Add> <Updates Enabled=`"TRUE`" Branch=`"Current`" /> <Display Level=`"None`" AcceptEULA=`"TRUE`" /> </Configuration> "@ } # Output XML file $text | Out-File 'dynamic_configuration.xml' # Execute setup, using dynamic XML file start-process -wait -WindowStyle hidden setup.exe -argumentlist "/configure dynamic_configuration.xml"
You can call this from within a ConfigMgr 2012 R2 SP1 Task Sequence using the “Run PowerShell Script” step, configured as below – note I use a TS variable to pass “fr-fr” or “de-de” to the dynamic XML file creation. You could simply type the language needed and work out the logic to get the right package to the right machines a different way.
- Name: Run Script: Install Microsoft Office C2R (MUI)
- Script name: _Install.ps1
- Parameters: -language %OSDSecondaryUILanguage%
- Execution Policy: Bypass