I extended the Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 Task Seqeucnes today to support the latest Latitude models – the E7240 and E7440. Both are nice machines.
The Windows 7 builds, despite importing the Driver Pack supplied by Dell, were failing with the error:
Windows failed to load because a critical system driver is missing or corrupt. WindowsSystem32driverswPci.sys
After removing the associated drivers from both the E7240 and E7440 Driver Packages the build issues were resolved – ironically, there were no unknown devices following completion of the Task Sequence.
The driver to remove is “wPCI Up stream port (marlon)“
Don’t forget that for Windows 7 you’ll also need the KMDF 1.11 driver, integration instructions here: http://www.cb-net.co.uk/microsoft-articles/34-configmgr/2075-configmgr-kernel-mode-driver-framework-1-11-kb2685811