
ConfigMgr : “Cannot edit the object, which is in use by ” at Site ”.”

I ran into some issue with the ConfigMgr console in a development environment and the console itself bombed-out – at the time I had a Task Sequence open. Upon re-opening the console and trying to edit the Task Sequence I was presented with the following error:

"Cannot edit the object, which is in use by '<user>' at Site '<site>'."

To resolve, you’ll need to open a SQL Server Management Studio connection to your site database. Now execute the following commands to review current locks in your environment:

USE CM_<Site Code>

SELECT * from SEDO_LockState where LockStateID <> 0

Once the Lock ID has been identified, remove it using the following command:

DELETE from SEDO_LockState where LockID = '<lock ID>'

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