
ConfigMgr : Adding KMDF 1.11 (KB2685811) to Build and Capture Taks Sequences

Download the KMDF 1.11 driver for X86 and X64 architectures using this link:

Extract the MSU files using the commands:

mkdir C:\Temp
mkdir C:\Temp\Windows6.1-KB2685811-x86\"
mkdir C:\Temp\Windows6.1-KB2685811-x64\"

expand –f:* kmdf-1.11-Win-6.1-x86.msu "C:\\Temp\Windows6.1-KB2685811-x86\\"
expand –f:* kmdf-1.11-Win-6.1-x64.msu "C:\\Temp\\Windows6.1-KB2685811-x64\\"

Create a ConfigMgr package (not Application) as indictaed below:

Package name: Microsoft KMDF 1.11 Hotfix

Folder structure / contents:
\X86\ (extracted from downloaded MSU, as above)
\X64\ (extracted from downloaded MSU, as above)

Ensure content for this package is distributed to all of your DPs prior to continuing.

Now we will modify your “Build and Capture” Task Sequence.

Create a new folder/ group just prior to the “Setup Windows and Configuratipn Manager” task:


Below, I have detailed actions for x64 architecture, replace X64 with X86 for 32-bit.

This group will contain two actions:

Run Command Line: Create Temp Folder
Command: cmd.exe /c mkdir %OSDSystemDrive%\Temp
Package: No Package

Run Command Line: Inject KMDF 1.11 x64
Command: cmd.exe /c X:\windows\system32\dism.exe /ScratchDir:%OSDSystemDrive%\Temp /Image:%OSDSystemDrive%\ /Add-Package /PackagePath:%_SMSTSMDataPath%\Packages\M010038D\X64\
Package: Microsoft KMDF 1.11 Hotfix

This driver will now be injected automatically everytime you re-create your master image via the Buld and Capture Task Sequence.

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