Disclaimer – I have copied this solution straight out of the following https://glyptodon.org/jira/browse/GUAC-1031
Like me, you may want to add the en-gb keyboard mapping to guacamole’s RDP capability so that your @ and “” key-combinations work as expected! To do this you need to perform the following, prior to running “make” during the installation of guacamole-server.
Already installed guacaole-server? You can recompile and install “over the top” of your current guacamole-server – just be sure to run “make clean” before executing “make” and “make install”.
# Crate a new en-gb Keyboard Mapping File vi ~/incubator-guacamole-server/src/protocols/rdp/keymaps/en_gb_qwerty.keymap parent "base" name "en-gb-qwerty" freerdp "KBD_UNITED_KINGDOM" map -altgr -shift 0x29 0x02..0x0D ~ "`1234567890-=" map -altgr -shift 0x10..0x1B ~ "qwertyuiop[]" map -altgr -shift 0x1E..0x28 0x2B ~ "asdfghjkl;'#" map -altgr -shift 0x56 0x2C..0x35 ~ "\zxcvbnm,./" map -altgr +shift 0x29 0x02..0x0D ~ "¬!"£$%^&*()_+" map -altgr +shift 0x10..0x1B ~ "QWERTYUIOP{}" map -altgr +shift 0x1E..0x28 0x2B ~ "ASDFGHJKL:@~" map -altgr +shift 0x56 0x2C..0x35 ~ "|ZXCVBNM<>?" # Keys requiring AltGr # map +altgr -shift 0x29 ~ "¦" # Add to make file, so that it is included vi ~/incubator-guacamole-server/src/protocols/rdp/Makefile.am # Modify this section so that it looks as-below rdp_keymaps = \ keymaps/base.keymap \ keymaps/failsafe.keymap \ keymaps/de_de_qwertz.keymap \ keymaps/en_us_qwerty.keymap \ keymaps/fr_fr_azerty.keymap \ keymaps/it_it_qwerty.keymap \ keymaps/ja_jp_qwerty.keymap \ keymaps/sv_se_qwerty.keymap \ keymaps/en_gb_qwerty.keymap
You can now run make and make install / continue with the deployment as outlined in my other posts.