Program Neighbourhood Agent / PNAgent Error 2306
On setting up the ICA Client 10.105 I received the following error on trying to connect via the applications listed under the PNAgent.’, ‘On setting up the ICA Client 10.105 I received the following error on trying to connect via the applications listed under the PNAgent:
This was being caused because the ICA file was being deleted before the PNAgent had finished reading it… very strange. After browsing a few forum posts I found that by modifying my local workstation registry I could resolve the issue by changing the ‘RemoveICAFile’ entry to equal false:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Client Engine\ICA File
Alternately, if you are an Administrator wanting to resolve this for all of your PNAgent users and Web Interface users simply follow these instructions:
Modify the \Inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\MetaFrame\conf\default.ica on all of your Citrix Servers that have the web interface.
Change the line “RemoveICAFile=yes” to “RemoveICAFile=no”